in the news

Following the minor virality of a TikTok playfully rating targets collection of clothing released in celebrations of pride month released on Sunnie's account, Business Insider featured multiple quotes from Sunnie about rainbow capitalism and Trans-macs clothing accessibility! Her Tiktok racked in over 3 million views in one month and sparked a site-wide discussion on LQBTA+ capitalism on the popular video app.
You can read the full article here

The collection also features a binder-like top that Cherie noted could be subtle enough for trans youth to wear without necessarily coming out to parents." - business insider
A callback to the start of Sunnie's successful career in social media, Her first big break into the world
of videography was in 2016 when she was chosen to participate in Youtube's NEXT UP program. A week-long
creator camp that includes classes on production, editing, and audience development, with talks led by successful YouTubers.
You can read the full article announcing her involvement here
"They’re the next big thing. We’re going to be able to say we knew them way back when!" - Socratica Studios

need a photo of Sunnie for a publications? Feel free to use any of these!